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Termination of pregnancy before the foetus becomes vital, ie. capable of living independently out of the uterus. It is distinguished in spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) or induced abortion (voluntary abortion).

Admission (hospital)
Acceptance of a patient into an Institution for treatment. In any case the admittance determines the opening of a Clinical record. Transfers from one department to another within the same institute, day-hospital admissions as well as cases of home care are not included.

Classification that distinguishes the production units according to the activities they perform and leading to macro-economic statistics, which relate to phenomena related to the participation of these units to the economic processes.

Attendance allowance
Pension benefit in favor of the people with physical or mental problems not able to walk without the permanent help of a carer or not able to carry out acts of daily life without a continuous assistance. The allowance is not incompatible with the pursuit of employment and is also granted for the people with disabilities who have applied after the age of sixty-five years of age.

Bed in a structure, health and / or social, staffed and equipped to receive and assist full-time patients. The number of beds provides a measure of the carrying capacity of the structure.

Benefits of Civil Invalidity and assimilated categories
Pensions paid to people with insufficient incomes and a reduction of more than 73% of the capacity to work or carry out normal daily functions. The INPS pensions paid to people with insufficient incomes, aged between 18 and 65 years, with hearing loss greater than or equal to 75 decibels and visually impaired citizens with insufficient income and regardless of age, with a vision not greater than 1 / 20 in both eyes are included here.

Causes of death
Situations of morbidity or traumatic events that can be accidental or intentional in nature (homicide, suicide) that have contributed to the death. Usually the term "causes of death" implies reference to the underlying cause.

Central Government
It includes the State Administration in the strict sense (ministries) and the constitutional bodies, the central agencies with jurisdiction over the territory of the country.

Clinical record
Legal public act that is open to the time of admission of a patient in an institution and is closed at the time of discharge. It fulfills the function of diary of the disease course and other relevant clinical events, coinciding, therefore, with the history of the patient within the hospital for each episode of hospitalization. From the legal point of view it is a public deed of administrative and sanitary nature, that is legally relevant and the correct compilation of which is an obligation and thus a responsibility for the doctor.

Community, social and rehabilitative
Residential, public or private, presidium, designed to receive individuals in psycho-social distress and with behavioral disorders: among them, the no self-sufficient elderly, individuals with physical, psychical or motor disabilities, drug addicts, alcoholics, discharged from prison and other individuals in need. This type of community is characterized by the adoption of specific projects of rehabilitation and recovery of personal skills. These projects are implemented with the help of professional operators and are designed to reintegrate individuals in the society.

Compulsory employment
System for the integration of people with disability into the working world. It is for individuals who have reached working age and have physical, mental or sensory impairments or have an intellectual disability, with a reduction of work capacity of over 45 per cent; individuals who are work invalids with a level of invalidity of over 33 per cent (ascertained by INAIL); blind or deaf-and-dumb individuals; individuals who are war invalids, war civil invalids and service invalids with impairments falling within the range of the first and eighth category, according to the annex tables of the unified text of regulations relating to war pensions. It provides for the use of instruments pertaining to targeted job placement, and is implemented by means of the obligation to employ persons with disability.

Compulsory Health Treatment
Set of treatments established by the health authorities, in the person of the Mayor, under motivated proposal of a doctor, in compliance with art.32 of the Italian Constitution. In the case of hospital treatment, validation by a physician member of the Local Health Unit which carries a second evaluation is also required.

Congenital malformation
Congenital malformations (CM) are those defects characterized by an abnormal form or structure of an organ, mostly macroscopic, formed before birth. These defects are very heterogeneous for type of organ affected, for severity level, and etiopathogenesis. From an etiological point of view, birth defects can be divided into "genetic", "non-genetic" and "multifactorial."

Conventions ex-art 11 Law n.68 1999
Conventions of professional integration of people with disabilities between the provincial offices of labor and employers on the basis of art.11 of Law 68 of 1999. The conventions establish when and how to do the assumptions by the employer and define: tasks for the worker with disabilities, forms of support, advice and tutoring by the provincial offices of labor of the job, the periodic checks on the progress of the training by public bodies.

Conventions 12 Law n.68 1999
Agreements between the provincial offices of work, social cooperatives and private employers for temporary inclusion of workers with disabilities in the cooperatives according to the criteria laid down in Article12 of Law 68/1999.

Day hospital
The day hospital is a form of organization of hospital care in which the patient remains in the structure only the time required for investigations, examinations or treatments (usually a day or half day) and then returns to their home without taking up a bed.

Department of discharge
The last department in which the patient have been hosted and from which he/she is discharged.

Depressive disorders
Depressive disorders are detected by means of the Patient Health Questionnaire, Depression Scale (PHQ-8). Based on the presence of a number of symptoms, including depressed mood and/or loss of interest or pleasure, as well as their frequency over the past two weeks, a three-level summary index is calculated: major depression, other depressive symptoms, no depressive symptoms.

Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRG)
It is a system to classify hospital cases. The classification of case studies is mainly based on hospital discharge principal diagnosis and surgical procedures and treatments performed during hospitalization that are classified in groups based on resources needed. These classes are the DRG system, which is the basis of the new system of financing care institutions, based on specific tariffs associated with each DRG.

Difficulties in functional activities
The difficulties in the functions of daily living are detected in population surveys through some of the questions of ADLs battery (difficulties in personal care such as bathing, dressing, bathing or showering, eating).

Difficulties in mobility
The difficulty in movement are detected in population surveys through some of the questions of ADLs battery (difficulties in walking, climbing up and down stairs, picking up objects from the ground...).

Difficulties in vision, hearing and speech
The difficulties in vision, hearing and speech are detected in population surveys, through some of the questions of Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) battery.

Reduction or loss of the functional capacity to carry out an activity in a way or within the limits that are considered to be "normal" for a human being. This definition corresponds to the one provided by the World Health Organisation in 1980 in the International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps. In 2001 the " International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)" has been issued by World Health Organization (WHO) to replace the ICIDH. In the ICF, disability is defined as "the consequence or the result of a complex relationship between the health condition of an individual and personal factors, and environmental factors that represent the circumstances in which the individual lives". Currently several international groups are defining questions, consistent with this classification, to be used in population surveys.

Discharge (hospital)
Conclusion of a period of hospitalization in a Health Care Institution. The discharge may have different ways: 1. death of the patient 2. ordinary discharge to the residence of the patient 3. ordinary discharge at an institution of long-term care or nursing homes (RSA) 4. protected discharge the patient's home (may be followed by a period of hospitalization at home ) 5. voluntary discharge(against the advice of a doctor), 6. transfer to another health care institution. It is not consider as discharged patients who are provisionally absent (for reasons of family, justice, etc.) or those who provisionally suspends a cycle of hospital care. At discharge the medical record is closed.

Down Syndrome
Down syndrome (also named Trisomy 21) is a genetic condition characterized by the presence of an extra chromosome in the cells, instead of 46 chromosomes in the nucleus of every cell there are 47. There is an extra chromosome n. 21. Genetic does not mean hereditary, in fact 98% of cases of Down syndrome is not hereditary. The consequence of this chromosomal alteration is a disability characterized by a variable degree of delay in mental development, physical and motor of the child.

Educational Community for Underage
Residential, educational, public or private, presidium, aimed primarily at pre-adolescents and adolescents without a parental figures who are able to follow them in the training process. Assistance is provided by professional educators.

Equivalised disposable income
The equivalised disposable income is the total income of a household, after tax and other deductions, that is available for spending or saving, divided by the number of household members converted into equalised adults. It is calculated by dividing the value of the family income by an appropriate correction coefficient (equivalence scale) that allows to take into account the effect of the economies of scale and to make the income levels of differently composed households directly comparable. In order to reflect the differences in the households' size and composition, the total (net) household income is divided by the number of 'equivalent adults', using a standard (equivalence) scale: the modified OECD scale. This scale gives a weight to all members of the household (and then adds these up to arrive at the equivalised household size): 1.0 to the first adult; 0.5 to the second and each subsequent person aged 14 and over; 0.3 to each child aged under 14. The income can be calculated with or without imputed rents.

Expectancy of a life free from disability at age x
Average number of years left to live without disability at age x. It is calculated by subtracting from the life expectancy at age x the years of life which is estimated to be lived with disability.

Gross Domestic Product at market prices (PIL)
It measures the wealth produced by a country and corresponds to total economic production of goods and services, minus intermediate consumption, plus VAT and indirect taxes on imports.

Guest of social and health care residential facilities
Persons assisted in social and health care residential facilities, are also included persons temporarily absent, on a certain date, due to their return in the family, to vacation, or for staying with other families, etc... The guests are minors in need of protection, adult with physical, mental or sensory disabilities, Italian citizens or foreigners temporarily without means of subsistence and in circumstances of difficulty, hardship or neglect, elderly.

Social disadvantage deriving from an impairment or disability, such that it limits or is an impediment to taking a role in society that is considered to be "normal" according to the age and gender of the individual, and to cultural and social factors as well. This definition corresponds to the one proved by the World Health Organisation in 1980 in the "International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps".

Health Assistance Residence
Extra Hospital facility aimed at providing reception, services of health care, assistence and recovery, to not self-sufficient elderly.

Health Care Institution
Residential structure for the reception and the full-time care of patients for diagnostic and / or healing and / or rehabilitation purposes. It is equipped with specialized medical personnel, equipments for diagnosis and treatment and possibly services to support to hospital treatment, such as: emergency department, recovery center, first aid, blood transfusion center, dialysis center, operating rooms, hyperbaric chambers, incubators , ambulances, mobile intensive care units. The Health Care Institute is defined also as the hospital entity that is independent or dependent on a public (eg. ASL) or private structure. It comprises all hospital divisions, sections and services. The health care institutes can be public or private: the public ones are independent or, in the majority of cases depend from the ASLs or from other public entities (eg. the Universities); the private institutes belong to private owners, or religious Orders and Congregations. Each institute is identified by a code under DM 09/06/1988. The specific typologies of health care institutes are: 1) a hospital with direct management, set up as an enterprise in conformity with art.4,paragraph 1of the D.L.502/92 (see Hospital Enterprise); 2) a hospital with direct management, as presidium of ASL; 3) Hospital universitary Enterprise and universitary general Hospital: - hospital enterprises set up after the transformation of universitygeneral hospitals directly managed, defined integrated university hospital enterprises, in National Health Service (Art2 paragraph 2 letter a) of Legislative Decree n.517 21/12/99); - hospital enterprises set up by transformation of hospital presidium .......... - private universitary general hospitals 4)Institution for scientific research, hospitalisation and treatment (art.42 Law 833/78) (public, private and foundations).

Heath care
Activities for the protection of health as a fundamental right of the individual and collective interest. The core of the health care system and its underlying principles can be summarized as: the government responsibility of protecting health, the universality and equity of access to health services, the global coverage based on the care needs of each person, according to as expected from basic levels of assistance, public financing through general taxation.

Hospital Discharge Record
Hospital discharge record (HDR) is the collection of information for each patient discharged from hospital public and private institutions across the country. Through the HDRs is collected, in accordance with the laws that protect privacy, essential data on hospital activities, The discharge records are compiled by doctors who have treated the patient hospitalized. The information collected and coded are transmitted to the Regions and then to Ministry of Health.

Hospital Enterprise
Nationally important and highly specialized hospitals. University hospitals are included here as well as hospitals that have at least three highly specialized facilities with an organisation of the departmental type. The hospital enterprise has a public juridical personality and it is completely independent in terms of organisation, administration, assets, accounts, management and technical activities.

Admission to a residential health care institution that requires at least an overnight stay.

Hospitalisation regime
Forms of delivery of hospital care: "hospitalization" that provides at least an overnight stay, and "day hospital" that does not require an overnight stay.

A group of people linked by a bond of marriage, family relation, affinity, adoption, tutelage or affective ties who are cohabiting and have their regular residence in the same Municipality (even though they may be not registered in the public population registry of the same Municipality). A household may consist of only one person. A person who is absent temporarily does not cease to belong to his family even if it is at another accommodation (or living together) in the same municipality or another municipality. In the ISTAT surveys called "Multiscope surveys on households" the household is simply intended as a "group of cohabiting people linked by bonds of marriage or family relations, affinity, adoption, tutelage or affective ties".

Housing community
Residential, familiar, public or private, presidium, designed to receive a small group of persons with insufficient financial autonomy and without valid references familiar. These persons are able to manage their own community life; not being provided for the presence of specialized personnel, cohabitation is based on mutual solidarity with the support of local social welfare services, including home care. The housing communities can be composed of multiple units (eg apartments located within a building). The ""shelters"" are apartments for completely self-sufficient persons, persons which benefit only the economic advantages in the access to housing.

Any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function, World Health Organisation in 1980 in the "International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps". This definition corresponds to the one proved by the World Health Organisation in 1980 in the "International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps".

Imputed rent
The imputed rent refers to the value that shall be imputed for all households that do not report paying full rent, either because they are owner-occupiers or they live in accommodation rented at a lower price than the market price, or because the accommodation is provided rent-free. The imputed rent shall be estimated only for those dwellings (and any associated buildings such as a garage) used as the main residence of the households. The value to impute shall be the equivalent market rent that would be paid for a similar dwelling as that occupied, less any rent actually paid (in the case where the accommodation is rented at a lower price than the market price), less any subsidies received from the government or from a non-profit institution (if owner-occupied or the accommodation is rented at a lower price than the market price), less any minor repairs or refurbishment expenditure which the owner-occupier households make on the property of the type that would normally be carried out by landlords. The market rent is the rent due for the right to use an unfurnished dwelling on the private market, excluding charges for heating, water, electricity, etc.

Number of new cases relating to an event that have arisen in a fixed period of time. It measures, for instance, the overall impact of new cases of a certain disease. One of the measurements that is used most is the cumulative incidence: the ratio between the number of new cases that have arisen in a specific period and the total of the population at risk in the same period.

Indemnity benefits
Pensions for accidents at work and occupational diseases. The characteristic of these pensions is to indemnify the person for a disability, according to the level of the same, or death (in which case the benefit is paid to survivors) resulting from an event that happened in the course of a work. A harmful event may give rise to more indirect revenue, according to the number of eligible survivors.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
The Italian edition of the International Classification of Diseases, periodically published and reviewed by the World Health Organisation. The ICD is the fundamental tool for the encoding of morbid events and causes of death. The X Revision of the classification has been in use since 2003. The ICD-X is used for statistics on causes of death, while for statistics on hospital discharge is used ICD-IX CM.

International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) has been issued in 2001 by World Health Organization (WHO) to measure and classify health states associated with it. It replaces the previous WHO classification called "International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps" (1980). In the ICF, disability is defined as "the consequence or the result of a complex relationship between the health condition of an individual and personal factors, and environmental factors that represent the circumstances in which the individual lives". Currently several international groups are defining questions, consistent with this classification, to be used in population surveys.

International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (I.C.I.D.H.).
The Classification, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1980, was until 2001 the reference standard for the description of the phenomena of impairment, disability and handicap.The Classification defines Impairment as any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function; disability as any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being; and handicap as a disadvantage for a given individual, resulting from an impairment or a disability, that limits or prevents the fulfilment of a role that is normal (depending on age, sex, and social and cultural factors) for that individual. In 2001 the WHO has issued a new Classification called the "International Classification on Functioning, Disability and Health". Currently several international groups are defining questions, consistent with this classification, to be used in population surveys.

Invalidity benefits
Benefits paid to workers who have reached a minimum level of contribution and with a physical or mental illness that can cause a permanent reduction of working capacity of less than one third (invalidity allowance), or that can produce an absolute and permanent impossible to carry out any work (inability pension).

Life expectancy at age x
Life expectancy at age x is the average number of years that a person at that age can be expeceted to live.

Life expectancy at birth (or Average Life)
Average number of years that a person at birth can be expected to live.

Local public entities
Local Administrations consisting of public bodies with competence limited only to a part of the territory. These bodies are: the Regions, the Provinces, the Municipalities, public hospitals and other local economic, cultural, and assistance bodies, Chambers of Commerce, Universities, Provincial Tourist bodies (Ept), etc.

Major Diagnostic Categories (MDC)
Grouping into 25 major diagnostic categories of the classification system Diagnosis Related Groups, each group includes all diagnoses related to certain criterion of clinical relevance (anatomical or etiological).

Medical examination
Procedure that allows to define the health status of a person, through medical check-up.

National Accounts
Set of all the accounts that describe the economic activity of a country or a territorial district. It allows the observation and quantitative statistical study of the economic system or its component sub-systems at different territorial levels.

Need for assistance
Request for help by people who claim that they have difficulties in personal care activities (ADL) or in activities of domestic life (IADL). This help (referring to persons or even aids) is judged to be: not necessary, sufficient, or not sufficient (i.e. lack of help) if the person already receiving help would need further assistance or if he/she does not receive any help at all.

Occupational disease
Organic or functional disease, contracted while carrying out one's working activity, or caused nevertheless by the specific working environment or by the way of working.

Overall amount of the pensions
Annual total amount of the pensions currently active on December 31 of the year. This value is given by multiplying the number of pensions with the average monthly amount of the benefits and the number of months for which the payment is planned for. The amounts are gross of any tax deductions and social security contributions. Family allowances are not included as non-pension.

Periodical and continual monetary benefit paid out individually by public and private Administrations or bodies deriving from: reaching of a certain age; having matured a seniority of one¿s contributory payments; lack of or reduced working capacity due to congenital or acquired impairment; work accident or injury due to war events; particular merits towards the Nation. A survivors' pension is given due to death of the protected person.

Permanent disability (INAIL context)
Disability which determines a reduction of working capacity with permanent after-effects of a level equal to or greater than 6%. Benefits are divided in: capital benefit if the degree of permanent disability is greater than or equal to 6% and less than or equal to 15%; income benefit whether the degree is equal to or greater than 16%. Before D.Lgs. n.38/2000 came into effect, the threshold for permanent disability was equal to or above 11%. In addition, as a result of the coming into force of D.Lgs. n.70/2000, an indemnity is also paid out for biological damage, intended as a lesion to one's mental and physical integrity, susceptible to a medical-legal check. The requirements needed to gain the right to the compensation are: the accident or illness have to be determined by working activity, and the level of mental and physical impairment have to be more than 6%.

Personal confinement
Extreme situation of an individual if because of mobility limitations is permanently constricted at home (in a bed or in a chair- not a wheelchair). This condition is determined, in population surveys, by a battery of questions named Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).

Policy Holder
An individual registered under the social security organism to which the person belongs.

Population register
A continuous system of registration of the resident population. The Register is continually updated with the registration of births of children, whose parents reside in the Municipality, with cancellations due to the death of residents and cancellations due to transfers of residence from/to another Municipality or to/from abroad.

Proportion of events present within the population under study, in a specific moment in time or in a fixed period. It measures, for example the impact of the presence of a certain illness in a given period.

Principal diagnosis at discharge
Principal condition of illness treated or taken into examination during the stay in hospital, or the illness condition that created the most important problems of assistance and therefore absorbed the largest part of the resources in terms of diagnostics and treatment. The principal diagnosis at discharge is currently coded according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), IX Revision, while the surgical operations and the diagnostic-therapeutic procedures are coded according to the ICD IX Revision CM (Clinical Modification).

Psychiatric Service
A specific section present in certain health institutions which differentiates itself from a Psychiatric Institution, in that it is not an independent entity. It receives voluntary or compulsory heath treatments and provides for assistance to patients in emergency conditions.

Public entities
Sector that gathers the institutional units whose primary functions are to produce for the community non-market services and doing a redistribution of income and wealth of the country. The main resources are made up by compulsory payments made directly or indirectly by units belonging to other sectors. The government sector is divided into three sub-sectors: a) central government including the State administration in the strict sense (ministries) and the constitutional bodies, the central agencies with jurisdiction over the territory of the country (Anas, Cri, Coni, CNR, Istat, ISAE etc..) b) local public entities including public bodies whose competence is limited to one part of the territory. Includes: Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, public hospitals and other local economic, cultural, service, chambers of commerce, universities, etc. EPT. C) social security institutions that include the central institutional units and local, whose principal activity is to provide social benefits financed through mandatory contributions in general (INPS, Inail etc..).

Remedial posts
Teaching posts aimed at assisting the classes in which there are pupils with certified disability.

Residential care
Hospitality assisted with accommodation, to people in need or in abandonment. The recipients of care may be: minors in need of protection, persons with disabilities, foreign or Italian citizens temporarily without the means of subsistence and in circumstances of difficulty, discomfort or neglect, elderly. In addition to meeting the needs of accommodation, the services provided may vary according to the needs of the persons assisted: food, protection, personal care, health services, educational services or vocational training, social and recreational activities, etc..

Persons at-risk-of-poverty (Europe 2020 Indicator): persons at-risk-of-poverty are those, who live in households, whose disposable income, in the year prior to the survey, is lower than the at-risk-of-poverty threshold. This threshold is set at 60 % of the national median equivalised disposable income after social transfers. The income considered for this indicator does not include imputed rent, meal-vouchers, other non-monetary fringe benefits and own consumption.

Self-perceived health status
It is the health condition self-declared by the respondent to a survey.

Seriuos chronic disease
Diseases or conditions of "bad" permanent or long-term health for which they required long periods of control and treatment. Examples of chronic diseases: arthritis / arthrosis, hypertension, asthma, allergy, diabetes, myocardial infarction, stroke, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, cancer, recurrent headaches or migraine, chronic anxiety and depression, Alzheimer's disease / senile dementia, thyroid disease, etc..

Social and health care residential facilities
Public or private institution which provides residential assistance. The recepients of assistence are minors in need of protection, adult with physical, mental or sensory disabilities, Italian citizens or foreigners temporarily without means of subsistence and in circumstances of difficulty, hardship or neglect, elderly.

Social benefits
Current transfers, in money or in kind, provided to households in order to cover the burdens determined by the occurrence of particular events (illness, old age, death, unemployment, household allowances, work accidents, etc.).

Social protection
Social protection encompasses all interventions from public or private bodies intended to relieve households and individuals of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs, provided this is done in the absence of a simultaneous and equivalent counterpart from the beneficiary and of insurance taken out for private initiative of the beneficiary. The list of risks or needs that may give rise to social protection is, by convention: sickness/health care, disability, old age, survivors, family/children, unemployment, housing, social exclusion not elsewhere classified.

Social Security
Sector in which the social benefits are connected to one's payment of a corresponding contribution.

Social Welfare
Sector in which the social benefits are tied to insufficient economic resources of the applicant or to situations of hardship or need (disability, margination/exclusion, neglect, etc) and are financed by general taxation.

Standardised rates
In order to make populations with different age distributions comparable, it is necessary to calculate rates that remove the effects of the demographic structure on the phenomena under study.

State Account (INAIL context)
It covers accidents, which do not benefit from insurance protection INAIL which, however, manages practice on behalf of the respective state governments to which they belong. The peculiarity is that no premium is paid to INAIL, which however anticipates the benefits to the injured individual, except the daily allowance for temporary disability, paid directly by the Administration to which the individual belongs.

Targeted employment
Targeted employment is a series of technical tools and support to enable a proper assessment of people with disabilities in their work abilities in order to put them into the appropriate job, forms of support, positive actions and solutions to problems associated with environments, tools and interpersonal relations on the everyday places of work and relationship.

Technical committee
The Technical Committee is a body of the Provincial Committee for Work with the following tasks: assessment of residual work capacity, definition of tools and services for the job placement, preparation of periodic checks on the permanence of incapacity conditions.

Type of residential care
There are two types of residential care: 1) family-based: is a small structure, characterized by a family-type organization that therefore reproduces the characteristics of family life. In the case of structures for Minor there is the presence of a couple or of one or two adults who perform parental functions. 2) community: it is a structure of variable size according to type of users (normally exceeding 6 places) characterized by the presence of personnel for care, social and health.

Unable to work
Person who is physically not able to carry out a job, and person who has never done any work due to disability.

Voluntary Health Treatment (TSV)
Set of non compulsory health treatments provided with the consent, upon information received, of the individual involved or of who legally represents the person.

Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy (IVG)
Surgical operation carried out by a specialist aimed at removing the product of conception, terminating the pregnancy period. The IVG must be carried out under the expressed will of the woman within the first 90 days from fertilisation. The IVG can in addition be carried out for therapeutic reasons after the first 90 days of pregnancy when the pregnancy itself or the child delivery imply a serious danger for the life of the woman or if there are relevant anomalies or malformations that have been detected in the unborn child, that could determine a serious danger for the physical or psychological health of the woman (Law 194/78).

War pension
The war-compensatory pension and is paid to those who have suffered impairments resulting from war or whose spouse, parent died in the war. The extent of treatment, which may be direct or indirect, varies depending on the degree of impairment. In addition to retirement benefits are also provided allowances and reimbursements.

Welfare pensions
They are: social pensions, social allowances, pensions and / or compensation to civilians who are blind, the deaf civilians and civilian invalids and war pensions.

Work accident
Discrete occurrence in the course of work which leads to a temporary disability, requiring more than three days of absence from work, or to a permanent disability or to death. The risk of accident at work is covered by a compulsory insurance with INAIL (Italian Workers' Compensation Authority), the institution where all the work accidents involving workers, defined by art.1 of DPR n.1124/1965, need to be reported.

Working ability
Psychophysical ability to carry out work activity.


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